Phone tracking in as much as it can be so good to you it can also be a lot worse if you are not careful. It has its dangers and it is for this reason that many people are now trying to find some help. They want to eliminate all chances of them being located by anyone. I do not know how you will take this piece of news-that there is actually no absolute means to prevent your phone from being tracked. However there are some simple things you can do that can assist you to be on the safe side at times. For instance you might just choose to use the encryption software for all the phone calls you make and receive and the messages as well. This should also include putting in place software that can successfully mask your phone’s location. Doing the above does not guarantee you 100% success but at least it is a way of trying to play it safe. Phone tracking is the one issue that is so difficult to decide on but we hope that in the near future things will improve since much better solutions will come up.